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National FM (UK)
Latest Upload Nick Van Eede of Cutting Crew click here
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The Radio Service's National FM is a national radio service, which features both speech content and music. It also offers in-house radio services for businesses and other organisations. In some cases this can be offered for as little as £2 a day. Click here for more information. New We will shortly be moving to become a mainly video service
If you are a business and would like to advertise on the station or the website click here. Its a lot cheaper than you think.
You can help spread the word about Radio Services by clicking the up arrow in the radio player. This will offer you the option of posting to various social media. If you have a website and would like to embed the player in your site (for free) please email us here with your site's URL and we will mail you back the html A few exceptions apply (the obvious ones).
Coming soon Positive Investigations click here for more information.